Due to Covid-19, we postponed a real General Assembly to 2021 : We would prefer to meet in person when electing a new Administration Board. The virtual GA on 17/12/2020 was very brief, and consisted of reports from the President, Treasurers and workgroups about what had been going on during 2020. We also welcomed a new member : SKOM – our Slovenian colleagues, represented by Costume Designer Mateja Fait.
The date for the next real General Assembly reminds yet hard to define, we will try and choose it end of January, beginning February 2021.
We also discussed the projects that we would like to work on from now on. Where as many (panels or events) are impossible to plan at the moment, there is 2 that will occupy us immediately: (1) The survey group will ask all member organisations very specific questions about their internal organisation. (2) We will start working on an international study on European and national copyright and the Copyright Collecting Societies (working title :”European Audiovisual Authors – Who ? Where ? How (much) ?” We plan this as a collaboration with other European Federations (IMAGO, EFSI, TEMPO, ..).
If you would like to read the full minutes of our meeting, please contact us.