Innovative Software

ARTSCENICO is pleased to present Ready4Set, a tool designed by industry professionals specifically for the costume department. Although ARTSCENICO did not develop this app, we recognize its value and want to highlight this collaborative effort.

Ready4Set, created with members of the ASC (Associazione Italiana Scenografi Costumisti e Arredatori), offers comprehensive tools to streamline workflows, from script breakdowns to detailed costume inventory management. Key features include:

* FDX and PDF script upload and breakdown utilities.
* Organization of shooting days and project continuity.
* Detailed costume inventory management.
* Casting information with actors’ measurements and size charts.
* Photos, annotations, and calendar integration for events and shooting days.
* Creation, download, and print capabilities for various reports.
* An internal collaboration messaging system.
* AI synopsis summarizer tool.

Available in English and Italian, with French and Spanish versions coming soon, Ready4Set is designed to support costume departments and will expand to include production design, makeup, and hairstyling.

This mention is not a commercial advertisement, but rather an acknowledgment of an effort to improve workflow and efficiency. To explore Ready4Set, register for a demo at Your support and feedback are invaluable.