ASC presents EDASC
We are proud to share with you the excellent reception our dear colleagues from ASC received at the Venice Lido. The Association was invited for the first time in almost 50 years by Cinecittà and the Ministry of Culture to present at the Italian Pavilion of the Hotel Excelsior, on the occasion of the 81st Venice International Film Festival, EDASC, ASC’s digital encyclopedia of the professions of film and entertainment.
In Venice, the two creators of the project, Tiziana Amicuzi and Francesca Romana Buffetti, and ASC president Carlo Poggioli, illustrated EDASC to a crowded auditorium, on Friday, August 30, in Tropicana Room 2, including Manuela Cacciamani, new CEO of Cinecittà, and Enrico Bufalini, Director of the Archivio Luce. Also present were representatives of the Film Commissions, tour operators, professionals and many curious onlookers.
The EDASC presentation is also getting good media coverage, conveyed by the work of the Gargiulo&Polici Communication press office hired by ASC for the occasion. The press review will be uploaded to the ASC website as soon as it is completed.
EDASC’s stop in Venice was only the first of a promotional tour (entitled “EDASC In_FormAzione – L’Enciclopedia Digitale ASC dei mestieri del cinema in tour”) that will see ASC in Naples in November, thanks to the funding obtained from the Regione Campania’s call for tenders, and – subject to obtaining new funds – in Genoa and Rome by the end of 2024.
The EDASC app will be shown to you all at the next meeting of the Association, during which issue 29 of Scenografia&Costume will also be presented.