On December 13th the Associazione Italiana Scenografi, Costumisti e Arredatori (ASC) was hosting the conference named La magia del cinema dietro la macchina da presa – the magic of cinema behind the camera, that aimed to make space for the profile, characteristics, and perspectives of Set Designers, Costume Designers, Interior Decorators, and Craftsmen – the people doing the work behind the camera.
Our member reviewed this conference as a great success for the ASC:
“The Association, in fact, became the promoter of the First International Conference dedicated to our professions, a day of work, hosted at the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, which saw the participation not only of institutions such as the Ministry of Culture, the Directorate General of Cinema and Audiovisual and the Department of Culture of Roma Capitale, but entities such as Anica, Cinecittà, Italian Film Commission and Roma Lazio Film Commission, Accademia del Cinema Italiano – Premi David di Donatello, Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici – Nastri d’Argento, Scuola d’Arte cinematografica Gian Maria Volontè, Artscenico, Costume Designers Guild, Production Designers Collective and Academy Museum of Motion Pictures.” Our presidents Katja Fischer and Maximilian Lange had the honor to attend this conference.
“It was an opportunity to present the first cognitive research on Set, Costume, and Interior Designers, commissioned from ACTA and the SARAS Department of La Sapienza the University of Rome, and the special issue of Scenografia & Costume, produced to celebrate 10 years of our magazine.”
“Once again, the most important stakeholders in our industry have shown their closeness and friendship for our Association, evidenced not only by their presence but by the many goals we have set together, such as collaborating for high-quality training that can maintain at the levels of excellence not only our work but that of our craftsmen, our workers, and our suppliers (represented yesterday by Romolo Sormani, of E. scenic props. Rancati), and in the name of image education for the new generations that can explain to the younger generation the fascination of the crafts behind the scenes.”

“The foundations were laid for future projects that know how to integrate the data collected with those of Artisans, Craftsmen and European colleagues, for working tables on copyright that can clarify to our members their rights in terms of intellectual property of their works of genius and royalties, for increasingly strategic alliances within the sector, also with a view to becoming increasingly authoritative and effective interlocutors for the Ministry of Culture and other institutions convened.”
“We thank the members who were willing to participate in the panels, sharing instances and experiences, and the many juniors in the room. We regret the low participation by the seniors, overwhelmed, we imagine, by so much work at this time of year.”
You can watch a video of the conference and read the report on ACS’ Homepage (italian).