Distinguished representatives of our member organisations,
dear friends and colleagues,
“Isolation combined with self-optimization to survive in merciless competition with others must no longer remain the basis of our working world. Filmmakers prove through their work in a team that the interaction of many ultimately leads to a great result. This principle of collegial cooperation could also serve as a model because filmmaking has always been the blueprint for a future world of work. “
This is a quote from a letter from IMAGO which we want to share with you.
Please send it on to all your members and important film-policy-relevant organisations in your country. Let’s unite across Europe against adverse working conditions!
With best regards from the ARTSCENICO Board :
Emmanuelle Duplay, Production Designer, ADC | France
Barbara Kapelj, Production Designer, SKOM | Slovenia
Maximilian Lange, Production Designer, VSK | Germany
Kirsi Manninen, Costume Designer, LP/Teme | Finland
Alexandra Maringer, Production Designer, VÖF | Austria
Olivier Meidinger, Production Designer, VSK | Germany
Laurent Tesseyre, Production Designer, MAD | France